1. Knowledge Base
  2. Subscriptions/Billing

How can I get a refund?

We offer refunds only if you cancel on your billing date, or within 48 hours after your billing date, including weekends. This policy only affects unlimited dialer products this does not include SalesDatalist, RinglesMessages, AgentCircleProspecting,

Only the PowerDialer CRM product is eligible for refund, and only during the specified timeframe. ProspectBoss.com will provide a refund if a cancellation has been provided within 48 hours (including weekends and holidays) of your order or renewal date. All other Subscriptions and Pay as You Go products including, SalesDataList, RinglessMessages, VoiceBlast, Mobile Data, FSBO’s and Expired, and AgentCircleProspecting are non-refundable and non-transferrable.