How to change the number of lines.

How to change the number of lines a Calling campaign is dialing

It  is a setting for each Calling Campaign, from the menu on the left side of screen you click on "Calling Campaigns", then click on "My Campaigns", for each campaign listed on that page there is an Action Button towards right hand side of the screen (three dots).

Click on the Action Button, then click on "Edit". The Number Of Lines setting is on the second page of settings, so click on "Next Step" toward bottom right hand corner screen to take you to the second page, there you will find the Number Of Lines setting.

Here you can change the number of lines to go from 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on how many lines you have with your plan.

After making the change to the setting you can press "Next Step" to go to the third page of your settings then press "Submit" to save your changes.